About was a rocket ship. From day one I was put on some of the hardest challenges the company faced. If I was not selling our multi million dollar account the future, I was waste deep in pushing our products forward. Some days leadership would come together and ideate at the 10,000 ft level other times we were hands on and heads down late into the night. IN the ned It was worth as we sold the company to Sharecare which went public on the back of what we built. What a ride. was a rocket ship. From day one I was put on some of the hardest challenges the company faced. If I was not selling our multi million dollar account the future, I was waste deep in pushing our products forward. Some days leadership would come together and ideate at the 10,000 ft level other times we were hands on and heads down late into the night. IN the ned It was worth as we sold the company to Sharecare which went public on the back of what we built. What a ride.