Hello Future Friend!
Hello Future Friend!
Hello Future Friend!
Hello Future Friend!
I'm Brett Red, Product Design Leader.
I love what I do and below is proof of that.
I'm Brett Red, Product Design Leader.
I love what I do and below is proof of that.
I'm Brett Red, Product Design Leader.
I love what I do and below is proof of that.
Triton Submarines
Triton Submarines
Triton Submarines
I can't share the nature of my work with Triton yet, except to say we are making an experience like no other on this planet.
Anchor Maps is an AR tool that allows anyone to map their space with text photos videos and links.
I built her with my my own blood sweat and tears, please download it
I can't share the nature of my work with Triton yet, except to say we are making an experience like no other on this planet.
Anchor Maps
Anchor Maps is an AR tool that allows anyone to map their space with text photos videos and links. I built her with my my own blood sweat and tears, please download it .
Download it Today
"Anchor gives my Airbnb guests the information they need about my place, when and where they need it, in a ridiculously fun and easy way. Thanks to the geniuses that created this!"
Lune Chi
Anchor Maps Users
Arya Works
Arya builds tool to help businesses align their challenges with their workers needs. As Head of Design, I work directly with the CEO and CTO to craft every aspect of the business.
Check out Arya
“Brett has had a positive impact on our company culture, our way of thinking and our revenue. "
“Brett has had a positive impact on our company culture, our way of thinking and our revenue. "
Kunal Sarda
CEO, Arya Works
Layer 1
Layer 1
Layer 1
Layer 1 is an AI based tool that will change how humans interact with their data. As Head of Design I worked closely with the founders to shape the the vision and take the product from 0 to 1.
Layer 1 is an AI based tool that will change how humans interact with their data. As Head of Design I worked closely with the founders to shape the the vision and take the product from 0 to 1.
Layer 1 is an AI based tool that will change how humans interact with their data. As Head of Design I worked closely with the founders to shape the the vision and take the product from 0 to 1.
Download it Today
"To call Brett a "Designer" is really an understatement, he operates on multiple levels simultaneously. He can seamlessly bridge features that are months out with what needs to get done today"
"To call Brett a "Designer" is really an understatement, he operates on multiple levels simultaneously. He contributes to the business, the product strategy and every pixel."
Eric Fettner
CEO, Layer 1
"The framework Brett created for us will served us well as medium scale and has only gotten better as we've grown"
"The framework Brett created for us will served us well as medium scale and has only gotten better as we've grown"
"Brett is true hacker and creative problem solver. He brings as much energy to the start of a project as he does to the end. It was truly a pleasure working with him."
Sam Corcos
CEO, Levels Health
"To call Brett a "Designer" is really an understatement, he operates on multiple levels simultaneously. He can seamlessly bridge features that are months out with what needs to get done today"
Eric Fettner
CEO, Layer 1
Doc.ai did many things from data trials to custom software for some of the largest insurers in the the world. As Head of Design I lead multi-million dollar projects from concept to completion.
"Brett is an outstanding designer. I turned to Brett to design a fresh, dynamic, intelligent agent experience that combines the best features of chatbots with the best parts of predictive responsive point-and-click design. Most designers make things too complicated to squeeze in features. He succeeds by understanding the capabilities of AI to predict the user's desires and incorporate the technology invisibly into a simple, elegant user experience. Brett is a creative inventor and ranks among the best user experience people I have worked with at Apple and elsewhere."
"Brett is an outstanding designer. I turned to Brett to design a fresh, dynamic, intelligent agent experience that combines the best features of chatbots with the best parts of predictive responsive point-and-click design. Most designers make things too complicated to squeeze in features. He succeeds by understanding the capabilities of AI to predict the user's desires and incorporate the technology invisibly into a simple, elegant user experience. Brett is a creative inventor and ranks among the best user experience people I have worked with at Apple and elsewhere."
Ted Goldstien
“Creative, joyful, and hard-working, I loved working with Brett on design for apps and AR prototypes.”
“Creative, joyful, and hard-working, I loved working with Brett on design for apps and AR prototypes.”
Scott Snibbe